Friday, May 21, 2010

End of a hen

A tip of our hat and a moment of silence is in order... the last chicken has been killed.

Lisa is relieved, as she is "tired of picking up dead chickens."

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Coyote Ugly

OMGoodness! I just ran off a coyote from the yard! It was right by the garage. The dogs and chickens were going nuts and when I Iooked out from my office the dang thing was heading into our little pasture. Petunia (the goat) is hiding behind a tree; she’s scared to death. All of the animals around are standing around looking and on alert…it’s creepy.

Harlan - the wimpy rooster

I had to go out a chase the dang guineas…they’re so mean! They’re beating up Harlan, the rooster….and he just takes it. I went to the barn and Harlan was in the corner—facing the corner with his head down. It was kinda sad.